The Bridge Café
The Bridge Café
The Bridge café, situated at the corner of Selwood Road and Trinity
Street, exists to serve the local community in the Parish of Holy
Trinity, providing nourishing, affordable food and drink (free if
needed), friendship, company and CAB advice.
The café is run on voluntary help, drawn largely from the Holy Trinity
community and is supported with prayer, that we might be a
channel for God’s love, expressed in loving service and kindness to all
who come through our door. We seek to welcome each person as we
would welcome Christ, seeing His image in them and praying that
they also would meet with Him through us.
We serve hot and cold drinks, light meals, cakes and soup. On Fridays a full roast meal is available for £4.50 and pudding for £2.00
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday
11.00 - 13.30
01373 469944