Eco Church
Holy Trinity Church
is part of A Rocha UK’s Eco Church programme, that equips us to care for creation.
We currently have a Silver award from Nov 2021.
Eco Church is a learning community and a framework to support our Church and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God’s earth, through the Eco Church survey.
The survey covers five key areas of church life:
• Worship and teaching
• Buildings and energy
• Land and nature
• Community and global engagement
• Lifestyle
As we are all stewards of our homes and Church, we are on a journey to protect and nurture what we have now, and move towards a cleaner and healthy future, measured by our carbon footprint.
This means wise choices in all that we do, such as energy use, food choices, transport, spending, investment, recycling.
We are blessed to be in such an eco conscious town as Frome, and have many opportunities to engage and support. (click images to open links)
In all we do, let’s worship our God of creation
Work on our eco corner, at the far end of Holy Trinity , coppicing and building a ‘dead hedge’, to recycle cuttings and create a wildlife habitat for insects and birds. February 2025
Contact: John and Megan eco@holytrinityfrome.com